Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 10 de julho de 2016
The Denver Channel
A private security officer tried to break up the fight with a "chemical agent" but was unable to, Denver Police Department Commander Ron Saunier said ...
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Sacramento Bee
(AP) — Police in Northern California are investigating the kidnapping for ransom of a woman who remains missing even though four suspects have ...
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The Denver Channel
Mayor Hancock, Denver's Chief of Police Robert White and Colorado Democratic senator Michael Bennet joined church members of New Hope ...
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In light of the tragedy in Dallas and the recent fatal shootings of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota by police, some of the participating artists ...
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Newstalk 106-108 fm
Demonstrations took place in California, Colorado, Louisiana, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Utah. ... Protests have been taking place across the US against the shooting of two black men by police officers.
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