Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de outubro de 2016
A driver who was stopped after reportedly stealing a car was arrested in Colorado Springs this week -- but the alleged felon wasn't the only one police ...
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CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - The latest on the death of a baby boy whose body Wyoming authorities believe was taken to a northern Colorado landfill (all ...
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photo - Iraqi Federal Police officers enter a compound in the town of Shura, some Iraqi Federal Police officers enter a compound in the town of Shura, ...
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A police spokeswoman says the person who sprinkled the powder fled and is being sought. Police say one person at the opera house requested ...
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Many police departments have chaplains on hand to help in the immediate aftermath of a crime. And Colorado has one of the best victim advocate ...
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