Alerta do Google - Colorado State

Colorado State
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de outubro de 2016
As only a sophomore, Valor Christian's Joshia Davis has already established himself as one of Colorado's best running backs in a state chalk full of ...
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Colorado State Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt, an ordained minister, host of a nationally shown religious news TV show and a statehouse warrior for ...
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... the 2016 election — ballots — and he wasted little time here on Saturday before taking issue with the voting system in this largely vote-by-mail state.
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Though an opportunity for an FCS playoff berth has gone away, the Portland State Vikings return to Providence Park on Saturday to take on the ...
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Wyoming's Brian Hill goes for yardage against Colorado State during their game on Oct. 1 ... Wyoming ended the quarter on Boise State's 2-yard line.
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Round 3 Pairing
Colorado State HT. CSU/Berkeley GY. Nicole Brown - Texas Tech. Armstrong 235. Washburn WB. Northwest/Rice HZ. Jared Bressler - Colorado State.
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Round 2 Pairing
Kathryn Starkey - Colorado State. Armstrong 256B. Air Force fK. Colorado State HT. Bob Becker - Northwest. Armstrong 257A. Rice PB. Texas Tech ...
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