Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de janeiro de 2017
LONDON (AP) — London police have arrested a second person for allegedly making threats to Gina Miller, the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court ...
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For the last four years, any time local police seized cannabis in a criminal investigation, they've been required to care for it, either by keeping the ...
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Mohamoud Abdi, a senior police officer. Survivors described chaotic scenes in which hotel residents hid under beds and others jumped out of ...
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(KSL) Utah police video that captured a train slamming into a semitrailer Saturday shows that the railroad crossing arms were not lowered or flashing ...
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The event raised more than $3,100, which was the third highest amount raised in Colorado last year. In addition to the LETR, the Sterling Police ...
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Several protesters have climbed a tower crane in northwest D.C., at a construction site where the Washington Post used to be located. The old ...
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