Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de fevereiro de 2017
Colorado police called Sultan Hayat on Thursday and told him his son had run up a $10,000 bill since December 26 at a Denver Sheraton before ...
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Eric Dupond-Moretti the lawyer of a young black man who says he was raped with a police baton in a Paris suburb, gestures as he speaks during an ...
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The Greeley Tribune reports on how local police champion the use an overdose-reversing medicine. "Colorado is just ahead of the game on how to ...
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DENVER – Colorado law enforcement is reaching out to the immigrant ... Aurora Police Chief Nick Metz tweeted shortly after the Associated Press ...
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The suspect, Adam Densmore, was arrested in Oklahoma. He was found with his missing child Winter. Police in Colorado believe he may have killed ...
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Colorado Springs police
Colorado Springs police: Thousands of reports that should have been submitted to 4th Judicial District never made it. Colorado Springs Gazette - 19 ...
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