Alerta do Google - Colorado Weather

Colorado Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 14 de julho de 2017
The National Weather Service forecast calls for isolated showers on ... are now 92 percent full, according to the Lower Colorado River Authority.
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Weekend forecast around Colorado Springs calls for a slight cooldown ... The National Weather Service in Pueblo predicted highs of 80 degrees ...
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Have you ever wondered how those crane operators get up there, what's it's like when bad weather moves in, or what they do for eight to 14 hours a ...
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"I found Bill Murray and his brothers in Pine, Colorado. Nicest group of guys ever," viewer Brian Murray writes. (Photo: Brian Murray, Your Take).
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Sunday liquor sales in Minnesota look like Colorado: big opening, then ... Arnold remains skeptical, pointing out that after Colorado passed Sunday ... then close during cold weather months when there may be fewer customers.
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Due to the high elevation (over 12,000 feet), that's usually only during warmer weather. Located on the Continental Divide between Aspen and Twin ...
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