Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de outubro de 2017
An employee at a southeast Colorado Springs convenience store was hurt during an armed robbery Sunday morning, police said. A man armed with a ...
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The caller told police he heard a loud noise and saw a hole in the ceiling above him. When Fort Collins officers tried to contact the suspect, police say ...
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Passengers wait in front a line a police officers blocking the access to ... French police have warned people to avoid Marseille's main train station ...
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An Air Force official confirmed that there were reports at about 10 p.m. MT of an active shooter at the Colorado Springs, Colorado, campus, and a ...
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Scuffles have erupted as voters protested while dozens of anti-rioting police broke into a polling station where the regional leader was expected to ...
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Wedding cake for same sex couple (unscheduled): The case stems from a Colorado baker's religious objections to making a cake for a recently ...
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