Alerta do Google - Colorado Weather

Colorado Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de outubro de 2017
After a fantastically mild day today, where we saw highs in the 70s and beautiful blue skies, we're going to be in for a huge shock to the system!
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Don't like the weather? Just wait. It's an apt saying in Colorado, and a phenomenon the National Weather Service Denver/Boulder detailed in a social ...
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Sunny, warm and dry weather across Colorado on Sunday turns cold and snowy for the start of the week. Locations in Colorado, especially east of the ...
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Colo. Springs, CO - An investigation is underway for a shooting that killed one person and injured two others on Austin Bluffs Parkway in Colorado ...
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Grand Junction Police Department and Colorado State Patrol are getting ... Colder weather and more holiday parties don't always mix well when it ...
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