Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 24 de novembro de 2017
For instance, Stacy Galbraith, the detective in Colorado who arrested the serial rapist in Marie's case, told us her starting point isn't believing: "I think it's listen to your victim. And then corroborate or refute based on how things go." You Have Options is an even tougher sell. Many police officers are ...
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Three police officers said the extremists attacked the al-Rawdah mosque in the town of Bir al-Abd, 40 km (25 miles) from the North Sinai provincial capital of el-Arish. They said men in four off-road vehicles opened fire on worshippers inside the mosque during the sermon. Victims were being transferred ...
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Police arrest Colorado Springs minister accused of sexually assaulting children
A minister associated with several churches that meet regularly at the Satellite Hotel in Colorado Springs was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of sexually assaulting children after a months-long investigation, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office said. Romello Leach, 22, is being held without bond in the ...
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