Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 23 de novembro de 2017
The Denver Post reports the man was taken to a hospital for evaluation after the 7:15 a.m. incident on Wednesday. Trains running to Denver International Airport were temporarily delayed after the accident. Scott Reed, a spokesman with the Regional Transportation District, says the man told police he ...
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Police have released images of a masked man suspected of committing six armed robberies since Nov. 7 at businesses in the ... "The suspect enters a business and demands cash from the register," according to a Los Angeles Police Department statement. ... 13 in the 1000 block of Colorado Boulevard;.
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A MENTALLY ill teen was gunned down by police officers in the street after he was ordered to drop his hunting knife 40 times. Cops noticed an 11.25 inch knife in Jeremy Holmes' right hand, as he calmly strolled near Colorado State University campus in Fort Collins on July 1 this year. Police bodycam ...
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Car accident colorado i 25 today
66 on Wednesday evening claimed two lives, the Colorado State Patrol said. Closed due to accident in Adams on I-270 EB between Vasquez and Quebec, stopped traffic back to I-25 as reported by police. The Colorado Springs Police received multiple calls regarding a driver that was not staying in their ...
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Police codes colorado
The Town of Superior Code Enforcement Program is designed to maintain and enhance the quality of life that is currently enjoyed by all of the residents of the Town of Welcome to the Colorado Springs Police Department Blotter homepage. 315 460. Police 10 Codes APCO - Association of Police ...
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