Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de dezembro de 2017
Florida police search for family of Colorado man critically injured after being hit by car
PENSACOLA, FLORIDA – Police are searching for the family of a 48-year-old Colorado man who suffered a critical head injury after he was struck by a car at midnight Christmas. Walter Sinclair Anderson, of Denver, was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital after the crash on U.S. 29 at West Airport ...
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St. Louis Park police blotter
St. Louis Park police reports. Included in the St. Louis Park Police Dec. 3-9 reports were the following incidents: Dec. 3 – Police made an arrest related to a domestic situation on the 8200 block of West 30 1/2 Street. Dec. 3 – A lawn ornament was reported stolen on the 3100 block of Edgewood Avenue ...
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