Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de dezembro de 2017
Colorado Springs police and firefighters save the day after family's gifts are stolen from under tree
photo - CSPD officers, Christmas Unlimited and CSFD helped to bring presents to a family CSPD officers, Christmas Unlimited and CSFD helped to bring presents to a family whose wrapped gifts were stolen in a burglary. (Photo courtesy of CSPD/Twitter). Colorado Springs police were not about to let ...
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Little boy missing in colorado
A little after 8:30 a. State Trooper Finds Missing 6-Year-Old Boy At Great Sand Dunes National ParkThe Colorado State Patrol says a trooper has found a 6-year-old Oct 2, 2017 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. m. A K9 had Jan 02, 2017 · Colorado police officers said they have found a body in an icy pond ...
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