Alerta do Google - Colorado Police

Colorado Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de abril de 2017
(AP) — Police in Oregon are searching for a university student who has ... Kosmicki said Mellers' car, a grey 2012 Toyota Corolla with a Colorado ...
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With the pending departure of City of Colorado Springs Chief Financial ... McCauley from the Colorado Springs Police Department serving as interim ...
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PITTSBURGH - Police shot a man Monday morning who rammed a police car and ... NEW: officer shot suspect who tried to flee from police this morning. .... at Colorado State University and the subject of a an award-winning movie.
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New data out of the state of Colorado shows that the number of marijuana DUIs ... But if police are more alert to the issue and citations are going down, ...
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5, 2015, file photo, Eric Frein is led away by Pennsylvania State Police Troopers at the Pike County Courthouse after his preliminary hearing in Milford, ...
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