Alerta do Google - Colorado State

Colorado State
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de abril de 2017
"I can't even get the Colorado state attorney general to tell me what happened to the guard in this case. This guard should be prosecuted," he said.
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Colorado State Patrol hazardous materials team, Weld deputies, respond to oil tanker spill ...
A Colorado State Patrol hazardous materials team, as well as Weld County Sheriff's deputies, have been working the call since about 2:30 p.m., ...
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Box Score
Scoring Summary. Per./Time, Team, Period, Time, Scored By, Assisted By, PACKWLAX, FLC. 1st - 26:04, FLC, 1st, 26:04, Brooke Galle (23), Delaney ...
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