Alerta do Google - Colorado State

Colorado State
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de dezembro de 2017
No state dinner in Trump's first year. By: DARLENE SUPERVILLE ... WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump couldn't stop talking about the red carpets, military parades and fancy dinners that were lavished upon him during state visits on his recent tour of Asia. "Magnificent," he declared at one point ...
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The troopers with Colorado State Patrol that watch over our highways are ever vigilant when it comes to keeping the highways safe. They're the first on the scene when someone needs help on the very busy Interstate 70, and their efforts have saved countless lives. And while not many people are on the ...
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Gaba notes that the state-based exchange programs in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York state, Rhode Island, Washington state and the District of Columbia all have 2018 open enrollment periods that will end on or after Dec. 31. Enrollment growth at the state-based exchanges ...
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After his mother passed away just before Christmas in 2015, Kendall, an admissions counselor at Colorado State University-Pueblo, came to the realization that both Christmas and Thanksgiving would never be the same. "It kind of changed the holidays for me," Kendall said. "There was a void and I ...
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(AP) — Western Colorado officials say they have the perfect place if the federal Bureau of Land Management decides to move its Washington, D.C. headquarters closer to the vast lands the ... Scott Tipton have introduced legislation urging the Interior Department to move the agency to a Western state.
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Title : Colorado State University Marching Band: Color Guard Feature to Muse. Summary : Visit the CSU Marching Band website: Recorded 09.29.12: The marching band gives a fundraising concert in preparation for the trip to Dublin, Ireland to march in.
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