Alerta do Google - Colorado Weather

Colorado Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de dezembro de 2017
Mountain areas in parts of Colorado, Montana and Wyoming received more than 1 foot (30 centimeters) of snow, which started Saturday. It was good news for holiday skiers and resorts which have struggled with a slow start this season. But it meant a heightened warning of avalanches in higher ...
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A storm system that swept from Nebraska through Iowa dropped around 2 inches of snow on Chicago, the weather service said. That was just enough to provide a picturesque backdrop for those gathering for Christmas dinners. But it wasn't enough to cause havoc either on roadway or airport runaways.
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In the U.K., navigation through wind farms remains challenging during bad weather, said Merlin Jackson, treasurer of the Thanet Fishermen's Association. There have been at least two minor cases of fishing boats hitting turbines, he said. Fishermen largely rely on turbine platform lights as guides, but ...
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